Our Key People

Brad Cantwell, CEO, EPS Canada
In over 25 years with the company, Brad has assisted in the settlement of more than 2,500 cases nationwide, personally attending thousands of mediations and settlement conferences. He speaks frequently on the subject of structured settlements, to lawyers, government agencies, insurance companies and members of Congress.
Brad received a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honors from Northwestern University and did graduate studies in exercise physiology at Arizona State University. He holds life, health, and disability licenses in every state, and he earned his Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC) designation from the University of Notre Dame in 1996.
Brad assumed the role of President of Arcadia Settlements Group, Denver, CO in 2014 and then CEO in 2019. EPS Settlements Group of Canada was launched in 2016, of which Brad is also President.
Contact Brad Cantwell at: bcantwell@epscanada.com

Kyla Baxter, Managing Partner
Kyla has nearly 30 years in the structured settlement industry includes work with many of the top casualty insurers, national law firms, and a diverse range of claimants. She earned her Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC) designation from Notre Dame University.
As a member of the National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA) together with her experience, knowledge, and proven track record, Kyla is frequently asked to speak at structured settlement seminars across the country.
Contact Kyla Baxter at: kbaxter@epscanada.com

Gifty Obeng, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.A.
Gifty Obeng is an Actuarial Analyst, and she is an active participant in the company’s back-office operations.
Gifty has a Bachelor of Science in Statistics, a Master of Science in Mathematical Science and Master of Arts in Economics.
Gifty very much believes in structured settlements: “I also believe that those with normal work life expectancies can well afford to take on market risk. If they lose, they will just work harder or longer. However, those without a work life expectancy are very different; if they lose, they are liable to rely on social assistance, which is something no person would want.”
Contact Gifty Obeng at: gobeng@epscanada.com

Yinge (Una) Ma, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Yinge (Una) is an Actuarial Analyst, holds a Master’s degree in Actuarial Science and a background in Environmental Science.
Within back-office operations, Yinge utilizes skills to collaborate and support the team.
She advocates for Structured Settlements, emphasizing their role in providing financial security substantially. Yinge believes structured settlements guarantee accessibility to the funds for plaintiffs and their beneficiaries.
Contact Yinge Ma at: mayinge@epscanada.com